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Eatonville’s Dylan Corey Competes In Shooting Championships

Eatonville High School junior Dylan Corey participated in the Western Regionals Jr. Clay Championships in Tucson, Arizona this past weekend, March 13-15th. He shot in five different events. International Skeet, Olympic style Trap (bunker Trap), American Skeet, Sporting Clay and American Trap.

Dylan Corey shown here with all his medals he earned at the Western Regionals Jr. Clay Championships in Tuscon, AZ. Photo Credit: Gordon Corey

He finished 4th overall in American Skeet and 2nd overall in American Trap after a 4-way tie 99/100. In the shoot off to earn 2nd place he broke all 10 clays.

There were 110 youth competitors at the event. The best of the best in the western United States were all in attendance and competing to earn a spot at Nationals in San Antonio, Texas in June. He also earned a spot at the High School shooting combine in New Mexico in July.

Dylan Shot a total of 257/300. He shot his first 25/25 perfect round in Skeet and shot 50/50 in two rounds of trap before he missed his first bird. These are huge accomplishment for shotgun shooters.

Overall, Dylan’s squad (team) of 5 earned 1st place in American Skeet and Trap. They took 2nd place in Sporting Clay.

Dylan has been shooting competitively for about 7 years now.

“I started shooting competitively in 4th grade. I started out shooting .22 rifles and stuck with it for 6 years but after making it to nationals I wanted to try something new. That’s when I decided to move over to shotgun and that has been the best decision I have ever made”.

“I started shooting because of one of my dad’s good friends. He helped with the local 4-H group and told me to come out and try it. So, I did and never looked back”.

Many of the events that Dylan participates in are Olympic events. When asked if the Olympics is a goal of his, Dylan commented “In the Olympics they shoot the international games such as bunker and international skeet. Currently in Washington there is only one place to practice that type of shooting. So instead of practicing international games, I’m working towards scholarship opportunities. Then if I can compete in college, I plan to start the journey towards the Olympics”.

Looking ahead, Dylan said “There are a couple of events coming up that I plan on participating in. The first event is the National Qualifier for 4-H in May, then USAYESS Nationals in Texas. I am also working for a spot to go down to New Mexico in July for the High School Shotgun Combine.


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