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EHS Seniors Honored With Parade

Eatonville Police Chief Jason LaLiberte led the Senior Parade through the streets of town as the community helped celebrate the seniors and their accomplishments. Photo Credit: Trevor Smith

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things, including the graduating ceremony of Eatonville High School seniors, but the Eatonville High School administrators wanted to do something special for their departing seniors.

For the first time ever, the EHS seniors participated in a Senior Parade. Each senior was honored by their family, friends and community members as their vehicles traveled from the high school parking lot, down Mashell Ave. then down Washington Ave. as they headed out of down.

The parade was escorted by Eatonville Police Department’s Chief of Police Jason LaLiberte and officer Shauna Anderson. Seniors rode on top of cars, trucks, in the back of pick-ups , hung out of windows or just seated inside. Most of the vehicles in the parade were decorated with the senior’s photos, balloons and other festive decorations.

I spoke with many parents about the parade and all of them raved about it.

“The parade was fantastic! It allowed us to invite family to cheer on our grads and give them a moment of town support which is so important. So many of us love Eatonville, and take pride in our kid’s accomplishments. I hope they do it again!” were some the words that Eatonville senior Andrea Hutchings Mom Kylee expressed.

Bobby Lucht, whose daughter Brooklynn was in the parade, had these heartfelt words to share.

“Well with the pandemic changing the face of what a senior year looks like it was great to see the seniors get the recognition they deserve. These kids don't get to see a senior prom or a senior surprise and not be able to roam the hall ways of the school as their final year comes to an end. The parade was a way the school district could get these kids on a stage in front of the town. I had to work Friday and wasn't sure I was going to be able to attend but as the morning started for me I told myself I wouldn't miss this for the world. I saw the faces of these seniors (which I've seen most of these kids grow up here in Eatonville) some were ear to ear in excitement and some were emotional with tears. Congrats Class of 2020 and congrats to my daughter Brooklynn Lucht.”

I was able to ask Brooklynn her thoughts on the parade and how it felt seeing so many community members lining the parade route to cheer the seniors on.

“Seeing the majority of the town come to the parade and wishing us all congratulations and good luck felt unreal. Never in my life would I have thought that we as the class of 2020 would have to go through something like this, but the support that we have had throughout this rough patch is amazing. Seeing the many faces that I haven’t seen in forever gave me tears to my eyes. All the teachers, and staff members at EHS, family, friends, even the faces I’ve never seen before. I want thank you for all the support and love. Eatonville may be a small town but we all come together as one.”

The senior parents continued to have nothing but kind words for the EHS staff for organizing the parade, “I thank EHS for finding yet another way to celebrate the Senior Class of 2020! They have made great efforts in trying to normalize this very special time in their lives which should be their most memorable. The parade gave the students a visual of the love and support they have from this great community! Eatonville Strong! I’m Looking forward to the senior weekend planned for them in August and the August 9th in person Graduation at St. Martins University!” commented Lynne Van Cour whose senior Chris was in the parade.

As Lynne alluded to, the high school is planning on having an actual graduation in August if all goes as planned.

EHS Senior Class advisor Mike Moeller said, “We plan to hold graduation on Sunday August 9th at 3:00 pm at St. Martin’s University in Lacey. As long as state guidelines allow, we plan on it being a regular full ceremony and we will follow any COVID-19 guidelines and rules for the state and county. We looked at a variety of different graduation options for our seniors, but when talking to the seniors and parents of seniors, it was almost universal that they would prefer to postpone until we could put together a regular ceremony, rather than try to piece something together virtually or cancel it all together. If we reach August and for some reason we are not allowed to hold a full ceremony due to COVID-19 rules at the time, then we will look at other options for that weekend. We also plan on holding a Class of 2020 dance on Friday August 7th and a senior class barbecue luncheon on Saturday August 8th.”

Moeller went on to say, “We at the high school have been looking at a variety of ways to recognize these seniors this year, and trying to find ways that would best fit our kids and community. A couple students had reached out to me, as the ASB Senior Class Advisor, about maybe planning this parade on their last official regular schedule day at Eatonville High School. I loved the idea and took it to our Principal Amy Sturdivant and Vice Principal Sheelah Ridgeway for approval, and they too thought it would be a great way to send these seniors off, then it just grew from there. The administration and district both were immediately on board and once we were able to get the Eatonville Police Department to participate, it was a go! All of this got finalized on the Tuesday beforehand and then it was a quick turnaround to get the information out to all the students, public, and community. We have such a supportive staff and administration at EHS who really love our students and anything we can do to try to make the end of the year a little more memorable for our graduates, we really want to put a real effort into making it happen.”

Moeller concluded with some personal thoughts, “My heart really goes out the Class of 2020, there are so many incredible individuals in this group. I know everyone at EHS is really pulling for these kids to have a great life moving forward. My hope is that going through this, will not only bring these kids closer together, but will show them that they are up to handle any challenge or problem that may face them in the future. These are some resilient kids we have in this class, and I know that this experience will only help them grow and mature into adults that any community will be proud to have be a part of.”

I had a chance to speak with Eatonville School District superintendent Krestin Bahr who was beaming with pride when talking about the graduating seniors and this community.

“The parade embodies all that is endearing to Eatonville. The caring, loving support of all students was evident by the families, staff from elementary to high school, coaches and community members. As I watched the students go by and stayed socially distant, I was struck by the magnitude of the time during COVID and the uncertain time these seniors find themselves graduating into. However as I saw their smiling confident faces and supportive community/ families... I knew that they will be amazing! And we all will be okay. I’m proud of this class and know they will all help change the world. Congratulations to all!”

With the crazy end to their school year, the seniors were able to mark the end of their high school careers with a great parade so that the whole Eatonville community could honor them. I think this was a great idea and I agree with Kylee Hutchings, I hope they do this parade for each graduating class from here on out.


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